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音标:[biː ʃʊr]

怎么读:音标为[biː ʃʊr],读作“比 休尔”。



1. Please be sure to lock the door before leaving.(请务必在离开前锁好门。)

2. I can't be sure if he will come or not.(我不能确定他是否会来。)


1. Are you sure about your decision?(你对你的决定有把握吗?)

2. He is not very sure of his own abilities.(他对自己的能力不太有把握。)


1. You need to be sure that all the information is accurate before publishing it online.(在将信息发布到网上之前,你需要确保所有信息都是准确的。)

2. I'm not sure if I can finish this project on time.(我不确定能否按时完成这个项目。)

3. He is very sure of himself and never doubts his own decisions.(他对自己非常有信心,从不怀疑自己的决定。)

4. Can you be sure that you have locked the door?(你能确定你已经锁好门了吗?)

5. She wasn't sure about the answer, so she decided to ask for help.(她对答案不确定,所以决定寻求帮助。)

同义词及用法:be_sure的同义词包括ensure、make sure、guarantee等,它们都表示“确保”、“保证”。:

1. Please ensure that all the doors are locked before leaving the house.(请确保离开房屋前所有门都已上锁。)

2. I will make sure that everything is ready for the party tonight.(我会确保今晚的派对一切都准备妥当。)

3. The company guarantees that their products are of high quality.(该公司保证他们的产品质量很高。)

编辑总结:be_sure作为一个常用的英文短语,意为“确保”,“确定”,可以作动词或形容词使用。它的同义词有ensure、make sure、guarantee等,表示相似的意思。在使用时要注意动词后接名词或动名词作宾语,形容词放在名词前修饰名词。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和使用be_sure这个短语。


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