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音标:[bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ dʌmp əv ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈmeməri]


怎么读:biginning dump of fizikul memori


例句1:The system crashed and the technician had to perform a beginning dump of physical memory to analyze the issue. (崩溃了,技术人员不得不进行物理内存的起始转储来分析问题。)

例句2:When experiencing a blue screen of death, it is recommended to perform a beginning dump of physical memory for troubleshooting. (当遇到蓝屏死机时,建议进行物理内存的起始转储来排除故障。)

例句3:The beginning dump of physical memory can take up a large amount of storage space, so it is important to have enough free space on the hard drive. (物理内存的起始转储可能占用大量存储空间,因此硬盘上需要有足够的可用空间。)

例句4:The system administrator checked the beginning dump of physical memory and found that a faulty driver was causing the issue. (管理员检查了物理内存的起始转储,并一个有问题的驱动程序导致了故障。)

例句5:In order to analyze a system crash, the IT team had to analyze the beginning dump of physical memory for any clues. (为了分析崩溃,IT团队不得不分析物理内存的起始转储以寻找线索。)

同义词及用法:beginning_dump_of_physical_memory也可以被称为“memory dump”、“core dump”或“crash dump”,它们都指代将内存中的数据转储到外部介质中的过程。这些术语通常可以互换使用,但在某些特定情况下可能会有细微差别。



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