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音标:[ə pleɪs ɪn ðə sʌn]

怎么读(音标):uh plays in the sun


例句1:After years of hard work, she finally found a place in the sun and became a successful businesswoman.(经过多年的努力,她终于找到了自己的成功之路,并成为一名成功的商业女性。)

例句2:He always dreamed of finding a place in the sun and living a comfortable life, but he never put in the effort to make it happen.(他一直梦想着找到自己的成功之路,过上舒适的生活,但他从未付出过努力去实现。)

例句3:The small town was once a forgotten place, but now it has become a popular tourist destination and found its place in the sun.(这个小镇曾经是一个被遗忘的地方,但现在它已经成为一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,并找到了自己的成功之路。)

例句4:She has been struggling for years to find her place in the sun, and now she finally has a successful career and a happy family.(她多年来一直在为寻找自己的成功之路而奋斗,现在她终于拥有了一份成功的事业和幸福的家庭。)

例句5:The company is constantly striving to find its place in the sun, and it has recently launched a new product that has gained great success.(这家公司一直在努力寻找自己的成功之路,最近推出了一款新产品,取得了巨大的成功。)

同义词及用法:a_place_in_the_sun可以与其他类似意思的短语互换使用,如a comfortable life(舒适的生活)、success(成功)、prosperity(繁荣)、fame(名誉)等。也可以用类似表达方式来替换,如find one's place(找到自己的位置)、achieve success(取得成功)、enjoy a comfortable life(享受舒适生活)等。

编辑总结:a_place_in_the_sun是一个形容人或事物达到理想状态、享受舒适生活或取得成功的短语。它可以作为名词或动词使用,用来修饰人、事物或地点。它的同义词包括a comfortable life、success、prosperity等,可以用类似的表达方式来替换。


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