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怎么读:[əˈhʌndrəd taɪmz]



例句1:I have told you a_hundred_times not to touch that button.(我已经告诉过你一百次不要触摸那个按钮。)

例句2:She has watched that movie a_hundred_times and still loves it.(她已经看过那部电影一百次了,但仍然喜欢。)

例句3:He has failed the driving test a_hundred_times, but he won't give up.(他已经考了一百次驾照,但他不会放弃。)

例句4:I have heard this song a_hundred_times today, it's stuck in my head.(我今天听了这首歌一百遍了,它让我上瘾了。)

例句5:She has apologized to me a_hundred_times, but I still can't forgive her.(她向我道歉一百次了,但我仍然无法原谅她。)


1. One hundred times: 和a_hundred_times意思相同,都表示“一百次”,但one hundred times更常用于正式场合。

2. A hundredfold: 意为“一百倍”,强调程度的增加。:He has improved his English a hundredfold since he started studying abroad.(自从他出国留学以来,他的英语进步了一百倍。)

3. Countless times: 意为“无数次”,强调数量的多。:I have heard this story countless times, it never gets old.(我听过这个故事无数次了,但它从未过时。)

4. Repeatedly: 意为“反复地”,强调动作的重复。:She has asked me the same question repeatedly, but I still don't have an answer.(她反复问我同样的问题,但我仍然没有答案。)

5. Over and over again: 意为“一遍又一遍地”,也是强调动作的重复。:He kept making the same mistake over and over again, it was frustrating to watch.(他一遍又一遍地犯同样的错误,看着真让人沮丧。)


a_hundred_times是一个常用的英语短语,表示数量或程度的强调,常用于修饰动词或形容词。除了和one hundred times意思相同外,还有其他表达方式如a hundredfold、countless times等,都可以根据具体语境选择使用。在写作中,可以使用这些表达来增加句子的变化和表达的多样性。


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