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1. 作为形容词:

- He has an alcoholic father. (他有一个酗酒的父亲。)

- The medicine contains a small amount of alcoholic ingredient. (这种药包含少量的酒精成分。)

2. 作为名词:

- She is an alcoholic and needs help to quit drinking. (她是一个酗酒者,需要帮助戒酒。)

- Alcoholics Anonymous is a support group for people struggling with alcohol addiction. (匿名戒酒会是一个为那些与酒精成瘾作斗争的人提供支持的团体。)


1. She was worried that her husband might become an alcoholic like his father.


2. The doctor advised him to avoid any alcoholic drinks after his surgery.


3. My friend's brother is an alcoholic and he has been struggling with his addiction for years.


4. The alcoholic content in this wine is very high, so please drink responsibly.


5. The alcoholic smell in the bar was overwhelming and I couldn't stand it.



1. Drunk - 作形容词时可以用来形容一个人或物品与酒精有关的;作名词时指一个喝醉了的人。

- He was too drunk to drive home. (他喝得太多,无法开车回家。)

- The smell of alcohol made him feel drunk even though he didn't drink any. (酒精的味道让他感觉像喝醉了一样,尽管他没有喝过。)

2. Alcoholic beverage - 指含有酒精成分的饮料。

- She doesn't like any alcoholic beverages, so she always orders a non-alcoholic cocktail. (她不喜欢任何含有酒精成分的饮料,所以她总是点一杯无酒精的鸡尾酒。)

3. Alcoholic addiction - 指对酒精产生依赖性。

- His alcoholic addiction has caused many problems in his life. (他对酒精的依赖性在他的生活中造成了许多问题。)


alcoholic这个词可以用来形容一个人或物品与酒精有关的,也可以指一个酗酒者。它的用法灵活,可以作为形容词或名词使用。同义词有drunk、alcoholic beverage和alcoholic addiction,但它们的用法和含义略有不同。在使用时需要根据具体语境选择最合适的词汇。


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