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yīng zhàng

n. obstruction; sound barrier



1. The sound barrier is a phenomenon that occurs when sound is obstructed in the air or water, preventing it from traveling far or reflecting it back to its origin due to certain reasons such as objects or air currents.

2. 飞行员必须要突破音障才能达到超音速飞行。

The pilot must break through the sound barrier to achieve supersonic flight.

3. 由于山脉的存在,导致声波遇到了一道巨大的音障。

Due to the presence of mountains, the sound waves encountered a huge sound barrier.

4. 音障可以通过改变材料的密度和形状来减少噪音。

Sound barriers can reduce noise by changing the density and shape of materials.

5. 这座城市建立了一道巨大的声屏障来阻挡高速公路上的噪音。

The city has built a large sound barrier to block the noise from the highway.


1. 声屏障 (shēng píng shānɡ): Another term for sound barrier, commonly used in urban planning and architecture.

2. 噪声阻挡器 (zào shēng zǔ dǎng qì): A device used to block or reduce noise, often used in industrial settings.

3. 声音阻碍 (shēng yīn zǔ ài): Obstruction of sound, similar to sound barrier but with a broader meaning.

4. 障音板 (zhàng yīn bǎn): Soundproofing panels, used to reduce the transmission of sound in buildings or vehicles.



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