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cháng cún

Meaning: permanent, long-lasting


Usage: This word is often used to describe things that will last for a long time without changing or being forgotten.


1. The Great Wall is a symbol of China's long-standing history and culture. 长城是悠久历史和文化的象征。

2. The love between the two friends was so strong that it would remain unchanged and long-lasting. 这两位朋友之间的爱如此强烈,会长存不变。

3. The impact of climate change will have a long-standing effect on the environment. 气候变化的影响将长期影响环境。

4. The company's success can be attributed to its long-standing commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. 公司的成功归功于其长期致力于质量和客户满意度。

5. Despite the challenges, their friendship remained long-standing and unbreakable. 尽管面临挑战,他们的友谊仍然长存且坚不可摧。

Synonyms: enduring, lasting, persistent, eternal

Editor's Summary:

"长存" is a Chinese word that means permanent or long-lasting. It is often used to describe something that will remain unchanged or not be forgotten for a long time. This word can be used in various contexts such as history, relationships, and effects on the environment or society. Some synonyms for "长存" include enduring, lasting, persistent, and eternal.


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