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Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén, Mǎn Zhuó Wú Suǒ Kǔ


Noun. A person who is wise and virtuous, and lives a simple and contented life.


竹林谅贤人 (Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén) is a Chinese idiom that describes a person who lives in a bamboo forest, away from the hustle and bustle of society, and focuses on cultivating their moral character. This term is often used to praise someone for their integrity, wisdom, and humble lifestyle.

Example Sentences:

1. 竹林谅贤人满酌无所苦,宁静致远,不为外物所扰。

(Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén mǎn zhuó wú suǒ kǔ, níng jìng zhì yuǎn, bù wèi wài wù suǒ rǎo.)

The wise man living in the bamboo forest is content with his simple life, he remains calm and focused without being disturbed by external distractions.

2. 他是一位竹林谅贤人,虽然生活简朴,却拥有丰富的内心世界。

(Tā shì yī wèi Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén, suī rán shēng huó jiǎn pǔ, què yōng yǒu fēng fù de nèi xīn shì jiè.)

He is a man of virtue living in the bamboo forest. Despite his simple lifestyle, he possesses a rich inner world.

3. 作为一名竹林谅贤人,他的言行总是充满着智慧和仁爱。

(Zuò wéi yī míng Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén, tā de yán xíng zǒng shì chōng mǎn zhe zhì huì hé rén ài.)

As a person of virtue living in the bamboo forest, his words and actions are always filled with wisdom and benevolence.

4. 她的生活方式就像竹林谅贤人一样,简单纯粹,却蕴含着深刻的道理。

(Tā de shēng huó fāng shì jiù xiàng Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén yī yàng, jiǎn dān chún cuì, què yùn hán zhe shēn kè de dào lǐ.)

Her way of life is like that of a person living in the bamboo forest, simple yet profound.

5. 他被称为竹林谅贤人,因为他在世俗纷扰中保持着内心的平静和善良。

(Tā bèi chēng wéi Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén, yīn wèi tā zài shì sú fēn rǎo zhōng bǎo chí zhe nèi xīn de píng jìng hé shàn liáng.)

He is known as a person of virtue living in the bamboo forest because he maintains inner peace and kindness amidst the chaos of the world.


1. 竹林隐士 (Zhú Lín Yǐn Shì)

2. 山林隐士 (Shān Lín Yǐn Shì)

3. 深山老人 (Shēn Shān Lǎo Rén)

4. 山林智者 (Shān Lín Zhì Zhě)

Editor's Summary:

竹林谅贤人 (Zhú Lín Liàng Xián Rén) is a beautiful Chinese idiom that describes a person who lives a simple and virtuous life, away from the distractions of society. This term is often used to praise someone for their wisdom, integrity, and humble lifestyle. It is similar to other terms such as 竹林隐士 (Zhú Lín Yǐn Shì) and 山林隐士 (Shān Lín Yǐn Shì), which also describe someone who lives in seclusion and focuses on self-cultivation. Let us all strive to be like the 竹林谅贤人, living a contented and meaningful life.


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