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Song Title: When a Clover Meets the Sword


The meaning of the movie English song "When a Clover Meets the Sword" is about the unexpected meeting and clash between two unlikely things, similar to the phrase "when worlds collide".


[wɛn ə ˈkləʊvə miːts ðə sɔːd]



"When a Clover Meets the Sword" can be used as a metaphor for unexpected encounters or conflicts in various situations, such as relationships, politics, or even in nature.


1. When a clover meets the sword, it's hard to predict who will come out victorious.


2. The movie portrays the moment when a clover meets the sword, creating an intense and unpredictable plot.


3. In this song, "when a clover meets the sword" symbolizes the clash between love and war.


4. The lyrics of "When a Clover Meets the Sword" beautifully depict the chaos that ensues when two opposing forces collide.


5. The title of the song, "When a Clover Meets the Sword", captures the essence of the movie's theme - unexpected encounters and conflicts.



- When Worlds Collide: a phrase used to describe two opposing forces or ideas coming into contact or conflict with each other.

- Clash of Titans: a metaphor for a confrontation between two powerful entities or individuals.

- Collision Course: refers to a situation where two things are heading towards each other and will eventually come into conflict.


"When a Clover Meets the Sword" is not just a catchy movie song, but also a thought-provoking phrase that can be applied in various contexts. It captures the idea of unexpected encounters and conflicts, reminding us that even the most unlikely things can come together and create chaos or beauty. So next time you encounter an unexpected clash, remember this song and its powerful message.


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