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玉笙(yù shēng),鸾(luán),罗幕(luó mù),香(xiāng),燕(yàn),未(wèi),还(huán)。




1. 离开家乡已经十年了,每次听到玉笙声,我都会想起那首《游子吟》里的那句“玉笙声里鸾空怨,罗幕香中燕未还”,心中充满了无尽的思念。

Leaving my hometown for ten years, every time I hear the sound of jade flute, I will think of that line from "The Wanderer's Song": "In the sound of jade flute, the phoenix laments in vain, while the swallows have not returned to their fragrant nests." My heart is filled with endless longing.

2. 在异国他乡,每当听到远方的笙声,我就会想起那首诗里的“玉笙声里鸾空怨,罗幕香中燕未还”,仿佛能感受到游子的心情。

In a foreign land, whenever I hear the distant sound of flute, I think of that line from the poem: "In the sound of jade flute, the phoenix laments in vain, while the swallows have not returned to their fragrant nests." It's as if I can feel the emotions of a wanderer.

3. 离别之后,每当看到窗外飞过的燕子,我就会想起那首《游子吟》里的那句“玉笙声里鸾空怨,罗幕香中燕未还”,心中充满了无尽的伤感。

After parting ways, every time I see a swallow flying by outside my window, I think of that line from "The Wanderer's Song": "In the sound of jade flute, the phoenix laments in vain, while the swallows have not returned to their fragrant nests." My heart is filled with endless sadness.

4. 她来自一个小山村,在离开家乡后常常会想起那首《游子吟》里的那句“玉笙声里鸾空怨,罗幕香中燕未还”,心中充满了对家乡的思念。

She comes from a small village, and after leaving her hometown, she often thinks of that line from "The Wanderer's Song": "In the sound of jade flute, the phoenix laments in vain, while the swallows have not returned to their fragrant nests." Her heart is filled with longing for her hometown.

5. 每次听到这首诗,我都会被那句“玉笙声里鸾空怨,罗幕香中燕未还”深深地打动,它让我感受到了游子离乡的无奈和思念。

Every time I hear this poem, I am deeply moved by that line: "In the sound of jade flute, the phoenix laments in vain, while the swallows have not returned to their fragrant nests." It makes me feel the helplessness and longing of a wanderer leaving his hometown.


1. 鸾凤怨(luán fèng yuàn):形容两情相悦的伴侣因为外界的阻隔而无法相聚,心中充满了哀愁和惆怅。

2. 燕子归巢(yàn zǐ guī cháo):指春天燕子归来,夏天离开的现象。也用来比喻人离家远行,或者是离家后的思念。

3. 罗幕香中(luó mù xiāng zhōng):比喻家乡的美好景色和回忆。

4. 玉笙声(yù shēng shēng):指代远方的笙声,也可以用来形容清脆悠扬的音乐声。

5. 游子(yóu zǐ):指离开家乡到外地旅游、工作或求学的人。




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