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Yù fēi


1. 玉妃 (yù fēi):这个词通常用来指代古代皇帝的妃子中地位最高的一种,也可以用来表示对女性美貌和高贵身份的赞美。


Yù fēi (n.): This word is usually used to refer to the highest-ranking concubine of the emperor in ancient China, or to praise a woman's beauty and noble status.

2. 皇宫 (huáng gōng):指代古代皇帝居住和办公的宫殿,也是玉妃们居住和生活的地方。

Huáng gōng (n.): Refers to the palace where the emperor lived and worked in ancient China, and also the residence of the imperial concubines.

3. 地位 (dì wèi):指人在社会上所处的等级或身份。

Dì wèi (n.): Refers to one's social status or rank in society.


1. 她是玉妃,拥有无比高贵的地位和令人艳羡的美貌。

She is a yù fēi, with a noble status and enviable beauty.

2. 在皇宫中,玉妃们享受着无比的荣华富贵。

In the palace, the yù fēi enjoy great wealth and luxury.

3. 她的地位如同玉妃一般,备受人们的尊敬和崇拜。

Her status is like that of a yù fēi, highly respected and admired by others.

4. 她的美貌和高贵身份让她成为了玉妃中最受宠爱的一位。

Her beauty and noble status make her the most favored among all the yù fēi.

5. 这位女演员被誉为当代玉妃,她不仅拥有出众的外表,还具备着非凡的才华。

This actress is hailed as a modern-day yù fēi, not only for her outstanding appearance but also for her extraordinary talent.

同义词:贵妃 (guì fēi)、皇后 (huáng hòu)、娘娘 (niáng niang)

Synonyms: Guì fēi, huáng hòu, niáng niang




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