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读音:àn cáng shā jī,音标:[ɑːn t͡sɑːŋ ʂɑː d͡ʒi]



1. 阴谋诡计(yīn móu guǐ jì)

2. 暗中算计(àn zhōng suàn jì)

3. 藏有用心(cáng yǒu yòng xīn)

4. 暗藏心机(àn cáng xīn jī)

5. 谋害(móu hài)


暗藏杀机的读音为àn cáng shā jī,其中“暗藏”读作àn cáng,意为“隐藏”、“掩盖”,“杀机”读作shā jī,意为“恶意”、“险恶”。




1. His words seemed innocent, but I could sense the hidden agenda and knew there must be an ulterior motive behind them. (他的话似乎很无害,但我能感觉到其中的暗藏杀机,知道他一定有别的目的。)

2. The seemingly peaceful village actually harbored a dark secret, and the villagers were all part of the hidden agenda. (这个表面平静的村庄实际上隐藏着一个黑暗的秘密,村民们都是暗藏杀机中的一部分。)

3. The detective carefully searched for clues, knowing that the crime scene might hold some hidden agenda. (侦探仔细搜寻线索,知道现场可能隐藏着某种暗藏杀机。)

4. The new boss seemed friendly, but his actions were full of hidden agendas to manipulate and control his employees. (新老板看起来很友好,但他的行为充满了暗藏杀机,想要操纵和员工。)

5. We must be cautious and always on guard, as there may be hidden agendas lurking behind seemingly harmless situations. (我们必须谨慎小心、时刻保持惕,因为看似无害的情况下可能隐藏着某种暗藏杀机。)


1. 阴谋诡计(yīn móu guǐ jì):指某种阴险、狡诈、欺骗性质的计划或行动。

例句:The politician was known for his cunning and always had a new plot or scheme up his sleeve. (这位政客以其狡诈而闻名,总是有新的阴谋诡计。)

2. 暗中算计(àn zhōng suàn jì):指在背后、暗地里进行的计划或策划。

例句:The two business partners were constantly at odds, each one secretly plotting against the other. (这两个商业伙伴经常争执,每个人都在暗中算计对方。)

3. 藏有用心(cáng yǒu yòng xīn):指某人的行为中隐藏着不可告人的目的或企图。

例句:She always seemed to have a hidden agenda and never did anything without a selfish motive. (她总是似乎有着不可告人的目的,从来没有做过一件事情没有自私动机。)

4. 暗藏心机(àn cáng xīn jī):指某人在言行中隐藏着不可察觉的心思和算计。

例句:The cunning fox always had a hidden agenda and used his charm to manipulate others. (狡猾的狐狸总是暗藏心机,利用自己的魅力操纵他人。)

5. 谋害(móu hài):指谋划杀害某人或陷害某人。

例句:The jealous ex-husband was suspected of plotting to harm his former wife. (那个嫉妒的前夫被怀疑谋害前妻。)




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