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摇首顿足是一种形容词,用于描述人们因为愤怒、焦虑或不耐烦而表现出来的行为。它的读音为yáo shǒu dùn zú,其中“摇首”读作yáo shǒu,“顿足”读作dùn zú。近义词包括急躁、焦躁、不耐烦等。


摇首顿足的音标为 /jɑʊ ʃaʊ dʊn zʊ/。





1. When she heard the bad news, she couldn't help but shake her head and stamp her feet in anger. (当她听到坏消息时,她忍不住愤怒地摇头顿足。)

2. The students were getting restless and starting to fidget, some even shaking their heads and stamping their feet in frustration. (学生们开始变得不安起来,有些甚至开始焦躁地摇头顿足。)

3. The boss was so angry that he started to shake his head and stamp his feet, scolding his employees for their mistakes. (老板非常生气,开始摇头顿足,责骂员工们的错误。)

4. The protesters were shouting and shaking their heads, some even stamping their feet in protest against the government's decision. (者们在大声喊叫,有些人甚至还在摇头顿足,的决定。)

5. After waiting for hours, the passengers started to get impatient and began shaking their heads and stamping their feet, demanding an explanation from the airline staff. (等待了几个小时后,乘客们开始变得不耐烦,开始摇头顿足,要求航空公司的工作人员给出一个解释。)


1. 急躁:形容人因为焦虑或不满而表现出来的情绪。:She was getting impatient and starting to fidget with her phone.

2. 焦躁:形容人因为焦虑或担忧而表现出来的情绪。:He was getting restless and starting to pace back and forth.

3. 不耐烦:形容人因为等待时间过长或遇到挫折而感到不耐烦。:The customers were getting frustrated and starting to complain loudly.

4. 焦急:形容人因为担心或紧张而表现出来的情绪。:The parents were getting anxious and starting to make phone calls to check on their children.

5. 躁动:形容人因为情绪激动或焦虑而表现出来的行为。:The crowd was getting agitated and starting to push and shove each other.


摇首顿足是一种形容词,用于描述人们因为愤怒、焦虑或不耐烦而表现出来的行为。它的读音为yáo shǒu dùn zú,近义词包括急躁、焦躁、不耐烦等。它通常用于形容人的情绪或行为,可以用来描述个人的情绪,也可以用来形容群体的情况。在口语中,它也可以用作动词短语,表示某人做出了这样的行为。除了摇首顿足外,还有一些近义词可以用来描述类似的情况,如急躁、焦躁、不耐烦等。使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇,并注意语气和语调的把握,以免造成误解。


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