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de2 rao2 ren2 chu3 qie3 rao2 ren2


Meaning: To be lenient with others and forgive their mistakes.

Usage: This phrase is often used to remind people to be tolerant and forgiving towards others, especially when they have made mistakes or wronged us.

Example 1: He apologized for his mistake and I decided to let it go. After all, we should all remember to be lenient with others and forgive their mistakes.


Example 2: She may have hurt my feelings, but I know that she didn't mean it. I will choose to be the bigger person and practice being lenient with others and forgiving their mistakes.


Synonyms: Forgive and forget, turn the other cheek, let bygones be bygones.

Editor's Summary: This phrase reminds us to be compassionate and understanding towards others, even when they have wronged us. It encourages forgiveness and promotes harmony in relationships. Letting go of grudges and being lenient with others can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Remembering this phrase can help us become better individuals in our interactions with others.


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