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英 [ˈkəʊt]


美 [ˈkoʊt]

n. 引号,引文,报价单

1. "引号"是一种标点符号,通常用两个小的竖线“ ”来表示,用于标注某段话或者句子的开头和结尾。引号可以放在单词或者句子前后,表示这个单词或者句子是由他人所说或者引用的。

1. "Quotation marks" are a type of punctuation mark, usually represented by two small vertical lines "", used to indicate the beginning and end of a paragraph or sentence. Quotation marks can be placed before and after a word or sentence to indicate that it is spoken or quoted by someone else.

2. 引号也可以用来表示某个词语的特殊含义或者指代。在这种情况下,引号通常放在单词前后,以示区别。

2. Quotation marks can also be used to indicate a special meaning or reference for a word. In this case, quotation marks are usually placed before and after the word to show distinction.

3. 我们常常用到的"双引号"就是指两个竖线组成的引号。除了双引号外,还有一种"单引号",它通常由一个小撇 ' 或者一个小逗点 ’ 组成。

3. The commonly used "double quotation marks" refer to the quotation marks made up of two vertical lines. In addition to double quotation marks, there is also "single quotation marks", which are usually made up of a single apostrophe ' or a single comma ’.

4. 引号在书写中具有重要的作用,它可以帮助读者更好地理解文本的意思,并且可以准确地表达作者的意图。因此,在写作中,正确使用引号是非常重要的。

4. Quotation marks play an important role in writing, as they can help readers better understand the meaning of the text and accurately convey the author's intention. Therefore, it is crucial to use quotation marks correctly in writing.

5. 同义词:引用符号、引用标记

5. Synonyms: quotation marks, quotation symbols

6. 编辑总结:引号是一种标点符号,用于标注某段话或者句子的开头和结尾。它也可以用来表示特殊含义或者指代。在写作中,正确使用引号可以帮助读者更好地理解文本的意思,并且准确表达作者的意图。同时,我们也需要注意区分双引号和单引号的使用。


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