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地(dì)是一个多义词,可以作为名词、形容词、副词和量词使用。作为名词时,它的意思有:1. 地球的表面;2. 陆地;3. 地面;4. 地区;5. 国土;6. 土地。作为形容词时,它的意思有:1. 关于地球的;2. 属于地面的;3. 地方性的。作为副词时,它的意思有:1. 在地面上;2. 到达某个地方。作为量词时,它的意思是用来计量土地、房屋等。





1. 作为名词使用:

a) 表示地球的表面,如:The earth is round.

b) 表示陆地,如:They are going to travel around the world by land.

c) 表示地面,如:The ground is wet after the rain.

d) 表示某个特定区域,如:He moved to a new city and started a new life.

e) 表示国土,如:We must protect our land from pollution.

f) 表示土地所有权或使用权,如:She inherited a piece of land from her grandfather.

2. 作为形容词使用:

a) 关于地球的,如:They are studying the geological features of the Earth.

b) 属于地面的,如:The ground troops launched an attack on the enemy.

c) 地方性的,如:We must consider the local customs when doing business in a foreign country.

3. 作为副词使用:

a) 在地面上,如:He fell to the ground and hurt his knee.

b) 到达某个地方,如:They finally arrived on the other side of the mountain.

4. 作为量词使用:

a) 衡量土地、房屋等的单位,如:This farm covers an area of 100 acres.

b) 衡量房屋的层数,如:They live on the third floor of a building.


1. The astronauts landed on the moon and took their first steps on its surface. (宇航员在月球上着陆,并在其表面迈出了第一步。)

2. The earthquake caused widespread damage to buildings and roads in the affected area. (地震造成受灾区域的建筑物和道路普遍受损。)

3. She dug a hole in the ground and buried her treasure there. (她在地面上挖了一个洞,把她的宝藏埋了进去。)

4. The company is expanding its business to new lands overseas. (该公司正在将业务拓展到海外新兴市场。)

5. He bought a plot of land in the countryside and built a small house for his retirement. (他在乡下买了一块地皮,为退休后建造了一座小房子。)


1. 地面(dìmiàn):表示地球表面或者某个特定区域的表面,如:The ground is shaking. (地面在震动。)

2. 土地(tǔdì):表示国土、土地所有权或使用权,如:He bought a piece of land to build his dream house. (他买了一块土地来建造他的梦想之家。)

3. 国土(guótǔ):表示一个的,如:We must defend our country's territory from invasion. (我们必须保卫我们的不受入侵。)

4. 领域(lǐngyù):表示某个范围或领域,如:He has made great achievements in the field of science and technology. (他在科学技术领域取得了巨大成就。)




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