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yì yuè



1. 劓刖(yì yuè)是指古代的一种残酷的刑法,它是一种将犯人的鼻子和耳朵割掉的刑罚。

Yiyue (yì yuè) refers to a cruel punishment in ancient times, which is a punishment that cuts off the nose and ears of the prisoner.

2. 这个词也可以用来形容某件事情或者行为十分残酷和暴虐。

This word can also be used to describe something or someone as extremely cruel and brutal.


1. 在古代,犯人常常会因为犯下重罪而被处以劓刖的刑罚。

In ancient times, prisoners were often punished with the cutting off of their nose and ears for committing serious crimes.

2. 这个的法律使用劓刖这种残忍的刑罚。

The laws of this country prohibit the use of the cruel punishment of cutting off the nose and ears.

3. 他对待自己的下属就像是在施行劓刖一样,从不留情。

He treats his subordinates as if he is performing a cutting off of their nose and ears, showing no mercy.

4. 这部电影展现了那个时代残酷的社会现实,让观众感受到了劓刖带来的恐惧和痛苦。

This movie portrays the cruel social reality of that era, allowing the audience to feel the fear and pain brought by cutting off of nose and ears.

5. 在这个,偷盗行为会被判处劓刖的刑罚,让人们对此深恶痛绝。

In this country, theft is punished with the cutting off of nose and ears, making people abhor it deeply.


1. 割鼻割耳(gē bí gē ěr):与劓刖相同,都是指将鼻子和耳朵割掉的刑罚。

2. 斩首(zhǎn shǒu):指将人的头颅砍下来处死。也可以用来比喻某件事情的失败或者终止。

3. 绞刑(jiǎo xíng):指将犯人吊起来处死,也可以泛指任何一种处死方式。

4. 火刑(huǒ xíng):指将犯人活活烧死的一种残酷的处死方式。




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