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Winter Sonata All Characters Affection Guide





冬日狂想曲(dōng rì kuáng xiǎng qǔ)全角色(quán jué sè)好感度(hǎo gǎn dù)提升(tí shēng)攻略(gōng lüè)指南(zhǐ nán)




1. 如果你想解锁《冬日狂想曲》中所有角色的隐藏结局,就一定要按照攻略指南来提高他们的好感度。

If you want to unlock all the hidden endings of Winter Sonata, you must follow the guide to increase the affection of all characters.

2. 按照攻略指南,与角色进行更多的互动可以提高他们的好感度。

Following the guide, interacting more with the characters can increase their affection.

3. 通过完成特定任务,你也可以提高角色的好感度,这也是攻略指南中的一项建议。

By completing specific tasks, you can also increase the affection of characters, which is also a suggestion in the guide.

4. 按照攻略指南,玩家需要注意每个角色的喜好,从而选择合适的方式来提高他们的好感度。

Following the guide, players need to pay attention to each character's preferences and choose the appropriate way to increase their affection.

5. 如果你想获得更多关于《冬日狂想曲》中角色的故事和背景信息,就一定要按照攻略指南来提高他们的好感度。

If you want to learn more about the stories and backgrounds of characters in Winter Sonata, you must follow the guide to increase their affection.


1. 好感度(hǎo gǎn dù)→ 亲密度(qīn mì dù)

2. 提升(tí shēng)→ 增加(zēng jiā)

3. 攻略(gōng lüè)→ 指南(zhǐ nán)

4. 角色(jué sè)→ 人物(rén wù)

5. 解锁(jiě suǒ)→ 开启(kāi qǐ)




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