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傲娇受(proud and spoiled bottom),是网络文学中常见的一种角色类型,指性格傲娇、喜欢撒娇、被宠爱的男性受。其英文翻译为proud and spoiled bottom,其中proud意为“自豪的,骄傲的”,spoiled意为“被宠坏的”,bottom则是指在男同性恋中扮演被攻击者的角色。因此,傲娇受可以理解为一个自我感觉良好、喜欢撒娇、被宠爱的男性受。


傲:/aʊ/ 娇:/dʒaʊ/ 受:/ʃu/





1. 他虽然是个大佬,但却是个典型的傲娇受,总是喜欢撒着小脾气让人哄。

Although he is a big shot, he is a typical proud and spoiled bottom, always likes to throw little tantrums and be pampered.

2. 这部耽美小说的主角是个傲娇受,他的性格让人又爱又恨。

The protagonist of this BL novel is a proud and spoiled bottom, his personality makes people both love and hate him.

3. 他是个典型的傲娇受,总是喜欢把自己包裹在高冷的外表下,却内心渴望被宠爱。

He is a typical proud and spoiled bottom, always likes to wrap himself in a cold appearance, but secretly desires to be loved.

4. 虽然他看起来很强硬,但其实是个傲娇受,在他心里只有一个人能够让他放下戒备。

Although he appears tough, he is actually a proud and spoiled bottom, in his heart there is only one person who can make him let down his guard.

5. 作为一个傲娇受,他总是喜欢挑战攻击者的底线,却也因此经常惹来麻烦。

As a proud and spoiled bottom, he always likes to challenge the limits of his attacker, but often gets into trouble because of it.


1. 傲气十足的底(arrogant bottom):和“傲娇受”意思相近,但更强调自我感觉良好、自负、不服输的特点。

2. 撒娇受(spoiled bottom):和“傲娇受”意思相近,但更强调喜欢撒娇、被宠爱的特点。

3. 高冷受(cold ):指性格高冷、难以接近的男性攻击者,与“傲娇受”形成鲜明对比。

4. 甜心受(sweet bottom):指性格温柔、善良、容易被人爱的男性受,与“傲娇受”形成鲜明对比。




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