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bù huàn wú wèi, huàn suǒ yǐ lì bù huàn mò yǐ zhī, qiú wéi kě zhī yě




1. 他并不在乎自己在公司的地位,因为他明白“不患无位,患所以立不患莫已知,求为可知也”的道理。

He doesn't care about his position in the company, because he understands the principle of "do not worry about having no position, but worry about not having a foothold and being unknown".

2. 我们应该牢记“不患无位,患所以立不患莫已知,求为可知也”的教诲,努力做出有意义的贡献。

We should bear in mind the teaching of "do not worry about having no position, but worry about not having a foothold and being unknown", and strive to make meaningful contributions.

3. 他虽然没有高官厚禄,却始终保持着对工作的热情和认真态度。这正是因为他明白“不患无位,患所以立不患莫已知,求为可知也”的道理。

Although he does not hold a high position or have a lot of wealth, he always maintains his enthusiasm and seriousness towards work. This is because he understands the principle of "do not worry about having no position, but worry about not having a foothold and being unknown".

4. 只有那些能够在困境中坚持自己的信念和原则的人,才能最终获得成功。这正是“不患无位,患所以立不患莫已知,求为可知也”所表达的意思。

Only those who can stick to their beliefs and principles in difficult situations can ultimately achieve success. This is exactly what "do not worry about having no position, but worry about not having a foothold and being unknown" means.

5. 在这个竞争激烈的社会,我们常常会被追求名利的目标所迷惑。但我们要记住,“不患无位,患所以立不患莫已知,求为可知也”的道理,努力寻找真正的价值和意义。

In this highly competitive society, we are often confused by the pursuit of fame and fortune. But we must remember the principle of "do not worry about having no position, but worry about not having a foothold and being unknown", and strive to find true value and meaning.


1. 不在乎名利,重视本质

2. 不担心虚荣,注重实干

3. 不计较地位,看重内涵

4. 不追求表面,追求内在

5. 不迷恋虚名,珍惜真正的价值




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