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zwdzjs是一种网络用语,通常用于表示“自我决定”的意思。它的读音为“zǐ wǒ dǎng zhōng yāng jué dìng jiān shè”,其中,“zǐ”读作第一声,“wǒ”读作第三声,“dǎng”读作第四声,“zhōng”读作第中声,“yāng”读作第二声,“jué”读作第四声,“dìng”读作第四声,“jiān shè”读作第二声。




1. 我们必须坚决执行领导的决定,zwdzjs!

We must resolutely implement the decisions made by the Party Central Committee, zwdzjs!

2. 这次通过的各项决议都得到了的认可,我们要牢记zwdzjs。

The resolutions passed at this meeting have been approved by the Party Central Committee, and we must bear in mind zwdzjs.

3. 公司领导层已经接受了关于发展新能源产业的指示,我们要积极响应zwdzjs。

The company's leadership has accepted the Party Central Committee's instructions on developing new energy industries, and we must actively respond to zwdzjs.

4. 作为一名党员,我要时刻牢记zwdzjs,坚定不移地跟随的决策。

As a party member, I must always bear in mind zwdzjs and firmly follow the decisions of the Party Central Committee.

5. 关于扶贫工作的决定是正确的,我们要发扬斗争,认真落实zwdzjs。

The Party Central Committee's decision on poverty alleviation is correct, and we must carry forward the spirit of struggle and earnestly implement zwdzjs.


1. 自我决定(zǐ wǒ dǎng zhōng yāng jué dìng)

2. 指示(zhōng yāng zhǐ shì)

3. 指示(dǎng zhōng yāng zhǐ shì)

4. 决策(zhōng yāng jué cè)

5. 决策(dǎng zhōng yāng jué cè)




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