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1. 活动,工作;职责(可数);劳动(不可数)

1. an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money

e.g. I have a lot of work to do today.


2. the duties and responsibilities associated with a particular job or position

e.g. My work as a teacher is very rewarding.


3. physical or mental effort that is required to achieve something

e.g. Hard work pays off in the end.


2. 工厂(可数);作品(可数);著作(可数)

1. a place where people use machines to make things

e.g. He works at a car factory.


2. something that has been produced or made by someone, such as an artist or writer

e.g. Her latest work is considered her best yet.


3. 功能,效果;运转,运行(不可数)

1. the way that something operates or functions

e.g.The machine seems to be in good working order.


2.the process of doing something in order to achieve an aim; effort directed towards an end goal

e.g.This new medicine has been proven to be effective in treating this illness through years of research and work by scientists.


4. 作业(可数);工作量(不可数)

1. a task or piece of work that needs to be done, especially one that is given to students to do at home

e.g. The students were assigned a lot of homework this week.


2. the amount of work that needs to be done

e.g. The workload for this project is quite heavy.


5. 工作情况,职业;工作机会(不可数)

1. the type of job or occupation that someone has

e.g. She has been looking for work for months.


2. the opportunities available for employment

e.g. There are not many job opportunities in this small town.


Synonyms: labor, employment, task, duty, function, operation, production, occupation

Editor's Summary:

Work refers to an activity or task that requires physical or mental effort and is usually done for money. It can also refer to the duties and responsibilities associated with a particular job or position, as well as the physical or mental effort required to achieve something. Work can also mean a place where things are produced or made, such as a factory, and can also refer to something that has been created by someone, such as an artist's work.

In addition, work can also mean the way something operates or functions, and can refer to the process of doing something in order to achieve an aim. It can also refer to tasks or assignments given to students, as well as the amount of work that needs to be done. Work can also refer to one's occupation or profession, as well as the opportunities available for employment.

Some synonyms for work include labor, employment, task, duty, function, operation, production, and occupation.


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