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without是一个英文单词,意思是“没有”,表示缺乏或者不具备某种东西。它可以作为介词、副词或者形容词使用,常见的搭配有“without you”、“without hesitation”、“without warning”等。其读音为/wɪðˈaʊt/。





1. 作为介词,表示“没有”的意思,通常与名词、动名词或者代词连用。:“I can't live without my phone.”(我离不开我的手机。) “Without your support, I couldn't have achieved this success.”(没有你的支持,我无法取得这个成就。)

2. 作为副词,表示“无需”、“不需要”的意思,常与动词连用。:“You can do it without any help.”(你可以不借助任何帮助完成这件事。) “I can't go to the party without an invitation.”(我没有邀请函不能去参加派对。)

3. 作为形容词,表示“缺乏”的意思,通常修饰名词。:“He is a man without ambition.”(他是一个没有抱负的人。) “They live in a house without electricity.”(他们住在一栋没有电力的房子里。)


1. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to finish this project on time.(没有你的帮助,我就无法按时完成这个项目。)

2. She went to the grocery store without her shopping list and forgot to buy milk.(她去杂货店时没有带购物清单,结果忘记买牛奶了。)

3. Without hesitation, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.(他毫不犹豫地跳进河里救那个溺水的孩子。)

4. The students were asked to complete the assignment without using any external resources.(要求学生们在没有使用任何外部资源的情况下完成作业。)

5. She managed to survive for a week in the wilderness without any food or water.(她在荒野中挺过了一个星期,没有食物和水。)


1. lacking:意思也是“缺乏”,但更强调某种东西的缺失或者不足。:“The team is lacking in experience.”(这支队伍缺乏经验。) “His speech was lacking in substance.”(他的演讲缺乏实质内容。)

2. minus:意思是“减去”,常用于数学或者计算中,表示从某个数目中减去另一个数目后的差值。:“7 minus 3 equals 4.”(7减去3等于4。) “The final score was 45 minus 20.”(最终比分是45减去20。)

3. deprived:意思是“被剥夺的”,强调某种权利或者东西被剥夺。:“The children were deprived of their right to education.”(这些孩子被剥夺了受教育的权利。) “He grew up in a deprived neighborhood.”(他在一个贫困的社大。)

4. lacking in:意思也是“缺乏”,但强调某种东西缺乏到令人不满意的程度。:“His presentation was lacking in creativity.”(他的演讲缺乏创意。) “The hotel was lacking in basic amenities.”(这家酒店缺乏基本设施。)




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