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1. verifier是一个名词,指的是验证者或核实者。它可以指代人、机器或程序,用来确认某件事情的真实性或准确性。

2. 读音:[ˈvɛrəˌfaɪər],英式发音为/ver-uh-fahy-er/,美式发音为/ver-uh-fahy-uhr/。

3. 词组近义词:

- validator:指验证者或核实者,在技术领域常用来表示验证数据的有效性。

- authenticator:指认证者或鉴定者,在安全领域常用来表示确认身份的真实性。

- examiner:指检查员或审查员,在法律和医学领域常用来表示对某物进行仔细检查。

- corroborator:指证明人或协助证明的人,在法律领域常用来表示提供证据以支持某个主张。

- confirmer:指确认者或保证人,在商业和领域常用来表示承认某件事情的真实性。




1. verifier作为名词时,通常指代人或机器,用来确认某件事情的真实性或准确性。:

- The verifier checks the accuracy of the data entered into the system.(验证者检查中输入数据的准确性。)

- The document needs to be signed by a verifier before it can be processed.(这份文件需要被一个核实者签字后才能进行处理。)

2. verifier也可以作为动词,意为“验证”、“核实”。:

- The bank will need to verifier your identity before opening an account for you.(银行需要在为你开户之前核实你的身份。)

- The system automatically verifies the user's login credentials before granting access.(会在授予访问权限之前自动验证用户的登录凭证。)


1. The verifier found several errors in the report and requested a recheck.(验证者在报告中了几处错误,并要求重新检查。)

2. As a verifier, it is my responsibility to ensure the accuracy of all data entered into the database.(作为一个验证者,我有责任确保所有输入到数据库中的数据的准确性。)

3. The authenticity of this painting has been verified by multiple experts in the field.(这幅画的真实性已经被该领域多位专家所证实。)

4. Before issuing a certificate, the examiner will thoroughly verify all documents provided by the candidate.(在发放证书之前,审查员会仔细核实候选人提供的所有文件。)

5. The verifier was able to confirm the validity of the claim through supporting evidence.(通过支持性证据,验证者能够确认该主张的有效性。)


1. validator:指验证者或核实者,在技术领域常用来表示验证数据的有效性。:

- The system has a built-in validator to ensure that all user inputs are in the correct format.(内置了一个验证器,以确保所有用户输入都是正确的格式。)

- The validator will reject any data that does not meet the required criteria.(验证器会拒绝任何不符合要求标准的数据。)

2. authenticator:指认证者或鉴定者,在安全领域常用来表示确认身份的真实性。:

- The authenticator uses biometric data to verify the identity of the user.(认证器使用生物特征数据来验证用户的身份。)

- This document needs to be signed by an authenticator to prove its legitimacy.(这份文件需要被一个鉴定者签字以证明其合法性。)

3. examiner:指检查员或审查员,在法律和医学领域常用来表示对某物进行仔细检查。:

- The examiner found no evidence of foul play in the investigation.(调查员在调查中没有任何犯罪行为的证据。)

- The medical examiner determined that the cause of death was a heart attack.(医学检验官确定死因为心脏病发作。)

4. corroborator:指证明人或协助证明的人,在法律领域常用来表示提供证据以支持某个主张。:

- The witness's testimony served as a corroborator for the defendant's alibi.(证人的证词为被告的不在场证明提供了协助。)

- The police are still looking for a corroborator to support their case against the suspect.(仍在寻找一个协助他们支持对嫌疑人的指控的证人。)

5. confirmer:指确认者或保证人,在商业和领域常用来表示承认某件事情的真实性。:

- The CEO acted as the confirmer of the company's financial statements.(CEO担任公司财务报表的确认者。)

- The priest serves as a confirmer of faith for members of the church.(牧师为成员提供信仰确认服务。)




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