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1. truth是什么意思:Truth是一个英语单词,意为“,事实”,指的是与事实相符合的真实情况或说法。


2. 读音:[truːθ]

3. 词组近义词的意思:

- fact: 事实,指客观存在的真实情况。

- reality: 现实,指客观存在的真实状态。

- veracity: 真实性,指说话或陈述内容与事实相符合。

- accuracy: 准确性,指信息或数据与事实相符合。

- authenticity: 真实性,指信息或数据的来源可靠、可信。




1. truth作为名词使用时,在句子中可以作为主语、宾语、表语等。:

- The truth is that he is lying to us.


- I always tell the truth.


2. truth也可以作为形容词使用,在句子中修饰名词。:

- The movie is based on a true story.



1. She finally told him the truth about what happened that night.


2. The truth of the matter is that we cannot afford to buy a new car right now.


3. He always speaks the truth, no matter how difficult it may be.


4. The police are still trying to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of the young girl.


5. It's time for you to face the truth and s living in denial.



1. fact: 事实,指客观存在的真实情况。

- It's a well-known fact that smoking is bad for your health.


2. reality: 现实,指客观存在的真实状态。

- The harsh reality is that we have to work hard to achieve our goals.


3. veracity: 真实性,指说话或陈述内容与事实相符合。

- Her veracity was questioned when she changed her story multiple times during the trial.


4. accuracy: 准确性,指信息或数据与事实相符合。

- The accuracy of the report has been confirmed by multiple sources.


5. authenticity: 真实性,指信息或数据的来源可靠、可信。

- The authenticity of the documents has been verified by experts.





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