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1. a gentle push or pat, usually with the hand, as a way of showing affection or support.

2. the sense of feeling through physical contact, especially with the fingers.

3. a small amount of something.

4. an act of touching someone or something.

5. a slight change in meaning, emotion or style.

1. 他轻轻地触摸了她的肩膀,表示鼓励。

He gave her a gentle touch on the shoulder to show his support.

2. 她用手指轻轻地触摸着花瓣,感受它的柔软和光滑。

She touched the petals gently with her fingers, feeling their softness and smoothness.

3. 这种面霜只需要一点点就可以涂抹在脸上。

You only need a touch of this cream to apply it on your face.

4. 他们之间的关系已经超出了普通朋友之间的亲密接触。

Their relationship has gone beyond the usual physical touch between friends.

5. 这首歌曲是由一位著名歌手重新演绎,带来了新的情感色彩。

This song was reinterpreted by a famous singer, giving it a new touch of emotions.


1. pat, caress, stroke

2. feel, sense

3. bit, hint

4. contact, connection

5. nuance, variation

Touch is often used to describe physical contact between two objects or people but it can also refer to intangible things such as emotions and meanings.

As a noun, touch can mean a gentle push or pat, usually with the hand, as a way of showing affection or support. For example, "She gave her friend a loving touch on the arm to comfort her." It can also refer to the sense of feeling through physical contact, especially with the fingers. For instance, "The texture of the fabric was soft to the touch."

In addition, touch can also be used to describe a small amount of something. For instance, "Add a touch of salt to enhance the flavor of the dish." It can also refer to an act of touching someone or something. For example, "The doctor performed a gentle touch on the patient's arm to check for any signs of pain."

Moreover, touch can also be used figuratively to describe a slight change in meaning, emotion or style. For example, "The new director's vision brought a fresh touch to the company's annual performance." It can also refer to an intangible connection between people or things. For instance, "There was a special touch between them that made their friendship unique."

Some synonyms for touch include pat, caress and stroke when referring to physical contact. When describing emotions or meanings, feel and sense can be used interchangeably with touch. In terms of small amounts or hints of something, bit and hint are synonyms for touch.

In conclusion, as an editor for this online dictionary translation team I have learned that touch has various meanings and can be used in different contexts. Whether it is referring to physical contact between people or things or intangible connections between emotions and meanings, it is important to understand its usage in order to accurately convey its meaning in translations.


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