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读音:英 [ˈtɑːrɡɪt] 美 [ˈtɑːrɡət]


1. Objective:意为“客观的”、“目标的”,可以用来表示某个具体的目标或计划。

2. Goal:意为“目标”、“目的”,指追求某种成就或达到某种状态。

3. Aim:意为“瞄准”、“瞄准点”,引申为“目标”、“宗旨”。

4. Destination:意为“目的地”,常用来表示旅行或运输中的最终到达地点。

5. Purpose:意为“目的”、“宗旨”,强调行动背后的原因和动机。


Target 的音标为 [ˈtɑːrɡɪt],其中发音注意两点:

1. 第一个字母T发音时要将舌头放在上齿龈,使气流通过舌尖与上齿龈之间的缝隙,发出清晰的爆破音。

2. 字母G发音时要将舌头放在上齿龈,使气流通过舌尖与上齿龈之间的缝隙,同时声带振动,发出浊辅音。


1. Target作为名词使用时,可以表示实际的物体或抽象的概念。:

- Our target for this year is to increase sales by 20%.


- The target of this project is to improve the living conditions of the local people.


2. Target作为动词使用时,意为“把...作为目标”。:

- The company has targeted young professionals as their main customers.


- The government has targeted reducing carbon emissions in the next five years.


3. Target也可以用来表示攻击或批评某人或某事物。:

- The politician was targeted by the media for his controversial remarks.


- The company was targeted by environmental activists for its harmful practices.



1. Our target for this project is to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.


2. The company has set a target of expanding into five new markets within the next two years.


3. The government has targeted reducing unemployment rates by providing more job opportunities.


4. The environmental group has targeted this company for its excessive use of plastic packaging.


5. The team worked hard to achieve their target and were rewarded with a bonus.



1. Objective:作为名词使用时,可以表示“目标”、“目的”,也可以作形容词使用,意为“客观的”、“客观事实”。:

- Our objective is to provide the best service to our customers.


- The report presents an objective analysis of the current market situation.


2. Goal:作为名词使用时,可以表示“目标”、“目的”,也可以用来指达到某种成就或状态。:

- My ultimate goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.


- The team scored the winning goal in the final minute of the game.


3. Aim:作为名词使用时,可以表示“瞄准点”、“目标”,也可以作动词使用,意为“旨在”、“瞄准”。:

- The aim of this project is to promote cultural exchange between the two countries.


- The company aims to expand its market share by launching a new product line.


4. Destination:作为名词使用时,意为“目的地”,通常用于旅行或运输中最终到达的地点。:

- Our destination for this trip is a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.


- The cargo ship's destination is the port of Los Angeles.


5. Purpose:作为名词使用时,可以表示“目的”、“宗旨”,强调行动背后的原因和动机。:

- The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the company's future plans.


- She donated all her savings to charity with the purpose of helping those in need.





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