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1. 作为动词,sub可表示“取代、代替”,常用于正式场合或文学作品中。:

- He was asked to sub for the injured player in the next game.



- The teacher had to sub for her colleague who was sick.


2. 作为名词,sub可以指“下属、下级”,也可以指“副手、助手”。:

- She is my boss, I'm just a sub.


- The company is looking for a new sub to assist the CEO.


3. sub也可以作为前缀使用,在这种情况下,它通常表示“次要的、辅助的”含义。:

- Subculture(亚文化)

- Subheading(副)

- Subordinate(下级的)


1. The substitute teacher had to sub for the regular teacher who was sick.


2. My boss asked me to sub for him at the meeting tomorrow.


3. The sub editor made some changes to the article before it was published.


4. She is the sub captain of the basketball team.


5. The company hired a new sub to assist the CEO in his daily tasks.



1. Substitute:作为动词时,与sub意思相同,但更常用于口语中;作为名词时,指“代替品、替代者”,常用于商业领域。

例句:The team had to find a substitute player for their injured teammate.


2. Deputy:作为名词时,可指“副手、”,也可指“官”。作为形容词时,意为“副的、辅助的”。

例句:The deputy manager will be in charge while the boss is away.


3. Proxy:作为名词时,指“代理人、委托人”。也可用作动词,意为“委托他人代理”。

例句:I couldn't attend the meeting, so I gave my proxy to my colleague.


4. Underling:作为名词时,指“下属、部下”,常用于贬义语境。

例句:The boss treated his underlings with disrespect.


5. Assistant:作为名词时,指“助手、助理”,常用于职场场合。

例句:She has been working as the CEO's assistant for three years.





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