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straighten是一个动词,意为“使变直”,“使挺直”,“使变得整齐”。其读音为/streɪtn/。常见的词组有straighten up(挺直身体),straighten out(整理,解决问题),straighten one's back(挺直背部)等。





1. 作为及物动词,表示“使变直”,“使挺直”。

例句1:She straightened her hair with a flat iron.(她用烫发器把头发弄直了。)

例句2:The teacher asked the students to straighten their backs and sit up straight.(老师要求学生们挺直背部坐好。)

2. 作为不及物动词,表示“变得整齐”、“恢复正常”。

例句3:After the storm, we helped our neighbors straighten up their yard.(暴风雨过后,我们帮助邻居把院子整理好。)

例句4:It took him a while to straighten out his life after the divorce.(离婚后他花了一段时间才恢复正常。)

3. 另外,straighten还可以表示“澄清”,“解决问题”。

例句5:I need to talk to my boss to straighten out this misunderstanding.(我需要和老板谈一谈,澄清这个误会。)


1. She straightened her hair with a flat iron.(她用烫发器把头发弄直了。)

2. The teacher asked the students to straighten their backs and sit up straight.(老师要求学生们挺直背部坐好。)

3. After the storm, we helped our neighbors straighten up their yard.(暴风雨过后,我们帮助邻居把院子整理好。)

4. It took him a while to straighten out his life after the divorce.(离婚后他花了一段时间才恢复正常。)

5. I need to talk to my boss to straighten out this misunderstanding.(我需要和老板谈一谈,澄清这个误会。)


1. Align:表示“使排成直线”,“使一致”,语气更加强调精确性。

例句:The students were asked to align their desks in a row for the group activity.(学生们被要求把桌子排成一排,为小组活动做准备。)

2. Rectify:表示“纠正”,“修正”,语气更加强调错误的改正。

例句:The company needs to rectify its financial records before submitting them for audit.(公司需要在提交审计前纠正其财务记录。)

3. Adjust:表示“调整”,“适应”,语气更加强调变化和适应。

例句:She needs to adjust her schedule to accommodate the new project.(她需要调整日程来适应新项目。)


straighten是一个常用的动词,意为“使变直”,“使挺直”,“使变得整齐”。它可以作为及物动词和不及物动词使用,常见的词组有straighten up,straighten out等。同义词有align、rectify、adjust等。在写作中要注意根据语境选择合适的同义词,避免重复使用同一个单词。


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