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1. tale:指一段有趣的故事,常常用来形容虚构的故事。

2. narrative:强调故事中发生的和情节。

3. fable:通常指寓言故事。

4. anecdote:强调真实性,通常指某个人亲身经历过的小故事。

5. legend:指传说中的故事。




1. story作为名词时,可以表示一个虚构的故事或者描述。

- The book tells the story of a young girl's journey to find her true identity.


- He loves to tell stories about his adventures.


2. story也可以用来形容某个人或者发生的经历或者经历过的事情。

- She has a sad story to tell.


- The story of his life is full of struggles and hardships.


3. 在英语中,story也可以指楼层、层次。

- Our office is located on the 10th story of the building.


- The tower has 50 stories in total.



1. The children gathered around their grandmother, eager to hear her tell a bedtime story. (孩子们聚集在祖母身边,渴望听她讲睡前故事。)

2. The movie was based on a true story about a man who survived a shipwreck and spent months stranded on an island. (这部电影根据一个真实故事改编,讲述了一个在海难中幸存并被困在一座小岛上数月的男人。)

3. She always tells the same old story about her childhood, but I never get tired of hearing it. (她总是讲述她童年时期相同的故事,但我从来不会厌倦听。)

4. The building has 20 stories and offers a breathtaking view of the city. (这座大楼有20层,可以欣赏到城市的壮丽景色。)

5. The story of how they met is truly romantic and heartwarming. (他们相遇的故事真的很浪漫和温馨。)


1. tale:指一段有趣的故事,常常用来形容虚构的故事。

- Grandpa loves to tell us fairy tales before we go to bed.


- The movie is a classic tale of good versus evil.


2. narrative:强调故事中发生的和情节。

- The novel is written in a first-person narrative, which makes it more engaging.


- The documentary tells the narrative of the war from different perspectives.


3. fable:通常指寓言故事。

- Aesop's fables are popular among children for their moral lessons.


- The book contains a collection of fables from different cultures.


4. anecdote:强调真实性,通常指某个人亲身经历过的小故事。

- He shared an interesting anecdote about his encounter with a famous celebrity.


- The book is filled with humorous anecdotes from the author's life.


5. legend:指传说中的故事。

- The legend of King Arthur has been passed down for generations.


- The island is said to be the home of a legendary creature.





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