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1. steady(形容词):稳定的、平稳的

2. firm(形容词):坚固的、牢固的

3. secure(形容词):安全的、可靠的

4. constant(形容词):恒定的、不变的

5. steadfast(形容词):坚定不移的、忠实可靠的



1. [ˈsteɪbl] (听英式发音)

2. [ˈsteɪbəl] (听美式发音)


1. 作为形容词时,stable可以修饰名词,表示“稳定的”、“牢固的”、“坚定的”等含义。:

- The economy is now stable after years of recession. (经过多年衰退后,经济现在变得稳定了。)

- He has a stable job and a happy family. (他有一份稳定工作和幸福家庭。)

2. 作为名词时,stable可以指代“马厩”、“畜舍”等地方。:

- The horses are kept in the stable at night.(晚上马都被关在马厩里。)

- The farmer built a new stable for his cows. (农民为他的奶牛建了一间新的畜舍。)


1. The political situation in the country is now stable, which is good news for investors.(这个的局势现在很稳定,这对投资者来说是个好消息。)

2. It's important to have a stable income when you have a family to support.(当你要养家糊口时,有稳定的收入很重要。)

3. The old man leaned on his walking stick for support, trying to keep himself stable on the uneven ground.(老人借助手杖支撑着身体,在不平坦的地面上试图保持平衡。)

4. The company's financial situation has been unstable for years, but now it seems to be finally getting stable again.(多年来,公司的财务状况一直不稳定,但现在似乎终于又开始变得稳定了。)

5. My job as a nurse requires me to be emotionally stable and calm in stressful situations.(作为一名护士,我的工作需要我在紧张的情况下保持情绪稳定和冷静。)


1. steady(形容词):稳定的、平稳的。它可以指物体保持平衡或者情况保持不变。:

- She took a deep breath to steady herself before the exam.(她在考试前深吸一口气来让自己镇定下来。)

- The economy has been on a steady growth for the past few years.(过去几年,经济一直保持稳定增长。)

2. firm(形容词):坚固的、牢固的。它可以指物体结实不易倒塌,也可以指人意志坚定不可动摇。:

- The new building is built on a firm foundation to ensure its stability.(新建的大楼建在坚固的地基上,以确保其稳定性。)

- She remained firm in her decision despite all the objections from her family.(尽管家人都反对,但她仍然坚持自己的决定。)

3. secure(形容词):安全的、可靠的。它可以指事物没有受到威胁或者人感到放心和安心。:

- The police assured the public that the situation was now secure and under control.(向公众保证,情况现在已经安全并且得到。)

- I feel secure in my relationship with him, knowing that he will always be there for me. (我对我们的关系感到安心,因为我知道他会永远在我身边。)

4. constant(形容词):恒定的、不变的。它可以指事物保持不变或者人的行为保持一致。:

- The constant rain has caused many problems for the farmers.(持续不断的雨水给农民带来了很多问题。)

- Her love for animals has been a constant throughout her life.(她对动物的爱是她一生中始终如一的。)

5. steadfast(形容词):坚定不移的、忠实可靠的。它可以指人坚定不变或者忠诚可靠。:

- Through all the hardships, she remained steadfast in her belief and never gave up.(在所有艰难困苦中,她始终坚定地相信自己,从未放弃过。)

- He is a steadfast friend who will always be there for you when you need him. (他是一个忠实可靠的朋友,在你需要他时总会在你身边。)




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