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smooth是一个英文单词,意为“光滑的;平稳的;流畅的”。它可以作为形容词、动词和名词使用。其读音为/smʊð/。常见的词组有:keep smooth(保持平稳);a smooth surface(光滑的表面);a smooth transition(顺利过渡)。





1. 作形容词时,smooth可以描述物体表面或者运动过程,表示光滑、平稳、流畅等含义。:

- The surface of the table is very smooth.


- The car moved smoothly on the highway.


2. 作动词时,smooth常用来表示使某物变得光滑或者使某事变得顺利。:

- She used sandpaper to smooth out the rough edges of the wood.


- The manager tried to smooth things over between the two departments.


3. 作名词时,smooth可以指代“光滑的表面”或者“顺利的过渡”。:

- The smooth of the ice made it difficult for the skaters.


- The company is going through a smooth transition to a new management team.



1. Her skin was as smooth as silk. (她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。)

2. He has a smooth and persuasive way of speaking. (他说话流利而有说服力。)

3. The car glided smoothly along the highway. (汽车在高速公路上平稳地行驶着。)

4. The manager tried to smooth things over between the two departments. (经理尝试在两个部门之间化解矛盾。)

5. After a few bumps, we finally had a smooth flight to our destination. (经历了几次颠簸后,我们终于顺利到达了目的地。)


1. sleek:指物体表面光滑、柔软、有光泽,也可以形容人身材苗条、外表漂亮。

- The cat's sleek fur shone in the sunlight.


- She has a sleek figure and a beautiful face.


2. polished:指物体表面经过抛光、打磨后变得光滑,也可以形容人的举止有教养、精致。

- The floor was polished to a high shine.


- She has a polished manner and always knows the right thing to say.


3. even:指物体表面平坦、平整,也可以形容过程或者情况顺利、平稳。

- The ground was even and easy to walk on.


- The negotiations went even more smoothly than expected.


4. fluent:主要用来形容语言流利、流畅,也可以指运动或者动作的流畅性。

- He is fluent in three languages.


- Her movements were graceful and fluent.


5. effortless:指做某事毫不费力,也可以形容外表轻松自然。

- She danced with effortless grace.


- He answered the questions with effortless ease.





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