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1. slower是一个形容词,意为“速度慢的”,与其反义词fast相对应。它可以用来形容物体、人或者动作的速度。

2. 读音:/ˈsləʊər/ (英式发音);/ˈsloʊər/ (美式发音)


3. 词组:slow down(减慢速度)、slowly(慢慢地)、slow motion(慢动作)


slow的读音为/sləʊ/ (英式发音);/sloʊ/ (美式发音),er的读音为/ər/。


1. slower作为形容词,通常修饰名词或者代词,表示事物本身的特性。

- The turtle moves much slower than the rabbit.


- I prefer a slower pace of life, so I moved to the countryside.


2. slower也可以作为副词使用,用来修饰动词或者整个句子。

- He walks slower than his brother.


- Please speak slower, I can't catch up.



1. The old man walked slower and slower as he approached the finish line.


2. She typed slower than usual because her wrist was injured.


3. The snail crawled at a slower pace than a turtle.


4. He asked the teacher to speak slower so that he could write down all the important information.


5. Time seems to move much slower when you're waiting for something exciting to happen.



1. sluggish:形容物体或者人缺乏活力、行动迟缓,与slower的意思相近。

- The sluggish economy has caused many people to lose their jobs.


- After eating a heavy meal, I always feel sluggish and sleepy.


2. leisurely:形容物体或者人行动缓慢、悠闲,与slower的意思相似。

- The couple strolled leisurely along the beach, enjoying the sunset.


- She took a leisurely bath and then went to bed.


3. slack:形容物体或者人缺乏紧张感、松懈,与slower的意思有些差异。

- The boss criticized his employees for their slack attitude towards work.


- After a few hours of hard work, we allowed ourselves some slack time to relax.





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