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1. ship out


- 读音:[ʃɪp aʊt]

- 用法:动词短语,表示出航,运送或发货。

- 例句:

1. The cargo ship will ship out from the port tomorrow morning.


2. We need to ship out these goods to our customers by the end of this week.


3. The factory ships out thousands of products every day.


4. Our online store offers free shipping for orders over $50, and we usually ship out the orders within 24 hours.


5. The company has strict regulations on the quality control before shipping out the products.


- 同义词及用法:ship off, send off, dispatch, transport

- 编辑总结:ship out是一个常用的动词短语,特别适用于描述船只、货物或信息的出发、运送和发货过程。

2. partnership

- 读音:[ˈpɑːtnərʃɪp]

- 用法:名词,表示合作伙伴关系。

- 例句:

1. The two companies formed a partnership to develop new technologies.


2. Our partnership has been very successful in the past few years.


3. The partnership between the two countries has strengthened their economic ties.


4. The business partners decided to dissolve their partnership due to differences in opinions.


5. The company values the importance of partnerships with its suppliers and customers.


- 同义词及用法:collaboration, alliance, cooperation, joint venture

- 编辑总结:partnership是一个常用的名词,可以指代各种类型的合作关系,商业、技术、等方面。

3. flagship

- 读音:[ˈflæɡʃɪp]

- 用法:名词,表示旗舰产品或旗舰店。

- 例句:

1. The company's latest smartphone is their flagship product and has been receiving rave reviews from consumers.


2. This store is the brand's flagship location, offering a wider range of products and services.


3. The flagship store of the fashion brand is located in the heart of the city.


4. The company's flagship model has been leading the market for several years.


5. The new flagship restaurant has attracted many food enthusiasts with its unique menu and elegant atmosphere.


- 同义词及用法:mainstay, leading product/store, -selling item

- 编辑总结:flagship通常用来形容最重要、最受欢迎或最具性的产品或店铺,是一个比较高端且正式的词汇。

4. on board

- 读音:[ɒn bɔːrd]

- 用法:介词短语,表示加入、同意或接受。

- 例句:

1. The company is looking for new investors to come on board and help with their expansion plans.


2. We need everyone on board to make this project a success.


3. The new employee has quickly gotten on board with the company's culture and values.


4. The board of directors unanimously voted to bring the proposed changes on board.


5. We need to get everyone on board before we can move forward with this decision.


- 同义词及用法:join, participate, agree, accept

- 编辑总结:on board是一个常用的介词短语,可以表示参与、同意或接受某件事情,通常用于商业、团队或组织等方面。

5. shipshape

- 读音:[ˈʃɪpʃeɪp]

- 用法:形容词,表示整洁有序的。

- 例句:

1. The captain always keeps his cabin shipshape.


2. The new manager quickly organized the messy office and made it shipshape in no time.


3. The crew members were praised for keeping the ship in such a shipshape condition during the long voyage.


4. The hotel staff worked tirelessly to make sure every room was shipshape before the guests arrived.


5. The soldiers were trained to keep their weapons in a shipshape condition at all times.


- 同义词及用法:tidy, neat, orderly, well-organized

- 编辑总结:shipshape形容事物整洁有序,通常用来形容船只、房间或物品,也可以用来形容人的行为举止。




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