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1. room是什么意思:room是一个英文单词,主要有两种含义。第一种含义是指“房间”,通常用来描述一个房间的大小、用途或者位置。第二种含义是指“空间”,可以指物理空间,也可以指时间上的空隙。


2. 读音:room的读音为/rʊm/,其中/r/发音为舌尖向上卷起,嘴唇微微张开;/ʊ/发音为双唇收缩,舌头抬起;/m/发音为双唇闭合,声带振动。

3. 词组近义词:

(1) chamber:室、房间。:The king was sleeping in his private chamber.(国王正在他的私人室内睡觉。)

(2) space:空间、场地。:There is not enough room for everyone in the car.(汽车里没有足够的空间容纳每个人。)

(3) accommodation:住宿、膳宿处。:They had to find accommodation for the night.(他们不得不找一处过夜的地方。)

(4) area:地区、区域。:The living room is the largest area of the house.(客厅是这个房子最大的区域。)

(5) compartment:隔间、小隔室。:She put her luggage in the overhead compartment.(她把行李放在头顶的隔间里。)



(1) room作为名词时,可以用来表示一个房间或者空间。:We need to clean the living room.(我们需要打扫客厅。)

(2) room也可以作为动词,意思是“提供住宿”。:The hotel can room up to 500 guests.(这家酒店可以提供住宿给多达500位客人。)

(3) 在一些短语中,room也可以表示“空闲的时间或空间”。:I don't have any room in my schedule for another meeting.(我日程表里没有时间再安排另一次。)


1. The conference room was filled with people discussing the company's future plans.


2. I need a bigger living room for all my furniture.


3. They rented a small room in the city center for their vacation.


4. The hotel manager promised to upgrade our room to a suite for free.


5. We have some extra rooms available if you need more space for your guests.



(1) chamber:室、房间。:The king was sleeping in his private chamber.(国王正在他的私人室内睡觉。)

(2) space:空间、场地。:There is not enough room for everyone in the car.(汽车里没有足够的空间容纳每个人。)

(3) accommodation:住宿、膳宿处。:They had to find accommodation for the night.(他们不得不找一处过夜的地方。)

(4) area:地区、区域。:The living room is the largest area of the house.(客厅是这个房子最大的区域。)

(5) compartment:隔间、小隔室。:She put her luggage in the overhead compartment.(她把行李放在头顶的隔间里。)




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