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1. role: (n.) the function or position that someone has in a particular situation, organization, society, etc.


2. How to pronounce: [roʊl]

3. Usage: Role is a noun that refers to the function or position that someone has in a particular situation, organization, society, etc. It can also refer to the character played by an actor in a play or movie.

4. Examples:

1) Her role as a leader is crucial in motivating the team.


2) The company is looking for someone to fill the role of marketing manager.


3) In this project, everyone has an important role to play.


4) She has been playing the role of a caring mother since her child was born.


5) The actor's performance was praised for his convincing portrayal of the lead role.


5. Synonyms and Usage:

- Function: (n.) the purpose for which something is designed or exists; (v.) to work or operate in a proper or particular way

- Example: His function as a teacher is not just to impart knowledge but also to inspire and guide his students.


- Position: (n.) a particular job or role in an organization or society; (v.) to place someone in a particular position

- Example: She was offered a position as the head of the department.


- Responsibility: (n.) the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone; (adj.) responsible

- Example: As a manager, he has many responsibilities, including overseeing the budget and making important decisions.


- Duty: (n.) something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation; (adj.) dutiful

- Example: It is every citizen's duty to pay taxes.


- Character: (n.) the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual; (adj.) characteristic

- Example: The main character of the novel is a brave and determined woman who fights for justice.


6. Editor's Summary:

In summary, role refers to the function or position that someone has in a particular situation, organization, society, etc. It can also refer to the character played by an actor in a play or movie. Some synonyms for role include function, position, responsibility, duty, and character. It is important to understand one's role in different situations and to fulfill it to the best of one's ability.


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