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近义词包括:stockpile, supply, reserve fund, savings。




1. 当作名词使用时,常用于以下几种情况:

a. 指或储备物资的意思,如:“The army has enough reserves to last for a year.”

b. 指公司或个人的储备资金,如:“I have some reserves in case of an emergency.”

c. 指自然资源或能源的储备量,如:“The country has rich oil reserves.”

d. 指保留部分来应对未来可能出现的情况,如:“We need to keep some reserves for unexpected expenses.”

2. 当作动词使用时,常用于以下几种情况:

a. 表示保留某物以备将来使用,如:“She reserved a room at the hotel for her trip.”

b. 表示保持某种态度或情感,如:“He reserved his opinion on the matter.”

c. 表示预订或保留,如:“I have reserved a table for two at the restaurant.”


1. The government has set up reserves of food and medicine in case of a natural disaster.已经储备了食物和药品,以备自然灾害发生。

2. The company's profits are used to build up reserves for future expansion.公司的利润被用来建立未来扩张的储备。

3. The country's gold reserves have reached an all-time high.这个的黄金储备已经达到历史最高点。

4. I have some savings as reserves in case I lose my job.我有一些储蓄作为后备金,以防我失业。

5. She reserved her opinion on the matter until she had more information.她保留了对这件事的看法,直到她有更多信息。


1. stockpile: 指大量积存的物资或资源,常含有负面意义。如:“The country has a stockpile of nuclear weapons.”

2. supply: 指提供给某人或某地区所需的物资或资源。如:“The Red Cross sent supplies to the disaster area.”

3. reserve fund: 指专门用于应对未来可能出现情况的储备资金。如:“The company has established a reserve fund to cover unexpected expenses.”

4. savings: 指个人或家庭为了未来而存下来的钱。如:“She has some savings for her retirement.”

5. backup: 指备用的或替代的资源,常用于技术领域。如:“We need to have a backup plan in case the main system fails.”


reserves是一个常用的名词,指储备物、储备金或后备力量。它的近义词包括stockpile, supply, reserve fund和savings。除了作为名词外,它也可以作为动词使用,表示保留或预订。在使用时需要根据语境选择合适的近义词来表达不同的意思。


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