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1. puton是什么意思


2. 怎么读(音标)


puton的读音为/pʊt ɒn/,其中“p”发音为/p/,“u”发音为/ʊ/,“t”发音为/t/,“o”发音为/ɒ/,“n”发音为/n/。

3. 用法

(1)puton作为及物动词时,后面通常接着一个宾语。:She put on her coat.(她穿上了她的外套。)

(2)puton也可以作为不及物动词使用,此时后面不需要接任何宾语。:He put on before leaving.(他离开前穿上了衣服。)


a. put on weight 意思是“增加体重”,:She has been putting on weight recently.(最近她体重增加了。)

b. put on airs 意思是“假装高贵”,:She always puts on airs in front of her friends.(她总是在朋友面前装腔作势。)

c. put on hold 意思是“暂停”,:The project has been put on hold due to lack of funding.(由于缺乏资金,这个项目已经暂停了。)

d. put on a show 意思是“表演”,:The children put on a show for their parents.(孩子们为父母表演了一场节目。)

4. 例句

1)She put on her glasses and started reading the book.


2)He put on his best suit for the job interview.


3)The workers are putting the finishing touches on the new building.


4)She has been putting on weight since she sped going to the gym.


5)He always puts on airs when he's around his boss.


5. 同义词及用法


a. wear 意思是“穿着”,通常指身体的某个部位被覆盖住或包裹住。:She always wears a smile on her face.(她总是脸上挂着笑容。)

b. don 意思是“穿戴”,通常指穿戴衣服或配件。:He donned his coat and left the house.(他穿上外套离开了房子。)

c. apply 意思是“涂抹”,通常指在身体或物体表面涂抹某种物质。:She applied sunscreen before going to the beach.(她去海滩前涂抹了防晒霜。)

6. 编辑总结



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