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Proto is a word that refers to the original form of something. It can also be used to describe a prototype or a first version of something.



用法:Proto is often used in the context of technology and innovation, referring to the initial version or model of a product or idea. It can also be used in biology and linguistics to refer to an early stage of development or evolution.

例句1:The company is currently testing their proto for their new smartphone before releasing it to the market.


例句2:The proto for this software was developed by a team of engineers and designers.


例句3:In linguistics, Proto-Indo-European is believed to be the ancestor language of many modern languages.


例句4:The artist's early sketches served as protos for his final masterpiece.


例句5:The proto of this new drug has shown promising results in clinical trials.


同义词及用法:Prototype, model, initial version, first draft

编辑总结:Proto is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, but it always refers to the original or earliest form of something. It is commonly used in the fields of technology, biology, and linguistics. Other words with similar meanings include prototype, model, initial version, and first draft.


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