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1. 作形容词时:

a. 主要的;最重要的;首要的

- The prime reason for his success is his hard work.(他成功的主要原因是他勤奋。)

- This is a prime example of modern architecture.(这是现代建筑的典型例子。)

b. 最好的;别的

- Prime beef is more expensive than regular beef.(顶级牛肉比普通牛肉贵。)

- She is in her prime and full of energy.(她正值壮年,精力充沛。)

c. 首次的;最初的

- This is the prime edition of the book.(这是这本书的首次出版。)

- He made his prime appearance on stage at the age of 16.(他16岁时首次登台表演。)

2. 作名词时:

a. 首要位置;高位

- The president's prime is filled with important meetings and events.(的高位充满了重要的和活动。)

- Her prime as a singer lasted for over a decade.(她作为歌手的黄金时期持续了十多年。)

b. 最佳状态;巅峰状态

- He is not in his prime as an athlete anymore, but he can still beat many young compes.(他不再处于运动员的巅峰状态,但仍然可以击败许多年轻对手。)

- The company was in its prime during the 1990s, but now it is struggling to survive.(这家公司在90年代处于巅峰时期,但现在苦苦挣扎求生。)

c. 素数



1. The prime minister is expected to announce new policies next week.(首相预计下周将宣布新。)

2. She was in her prime as a dancer when she injured her knee.(她作为舞蹈家时正值巅峰状态,但她受伤了膝盖。)

3. The prime factor of 12 is 3, because 12 can be divided by 3 without a remainder.(12的素数因子是3,因为12可以被3整除而没有余数。)

4. The company is looking for someone who is in their prime and has experience in marketing.(公司正在寻找一位处于巅峰状态并具有市场营销经验的人。)

5. My parents always told me that education is the prime way to achieve success in life.(我的父母总是告诉我,教育是实现生活成功的首要途径。)


1. Main:意为“主要的”,“最重要的”,也可以用作形容词和名词。

- The main reason for his failure was his lack of preparation.(他失败的主要原因是缺乏准备。)

- This street is the main route to the city center.(这条街是通往市中心的主干道。)

2. Principal:意为“主要的”,“首要的”,也可以用作形容词和名词。

- What are the principal differences between these two products?(这两种产品的主要区别是什么?)

- The principal of the school is very strict.(这所学校的校长很严厉。)

3. Key:意为“关键的”,“重要的”,也可以用作形容词和名词。

- Communication is the key to a successful relationship.(沟通是成功关系的关键。)

- The key point of this presentation is to show our company's achievements in the past year.(这次演示的重点是展示我们公司去年取得的成就。)

4. Essential:意为“必要的”,“不可或缺的”,也可以用作形容词和名词。

- Good communication skills are essential for a successful career.(良好的沟通能力对于成功的职业生涯至关重要。)

- Food, water, and shelter are essential for human survival.(食物、水和住所对人类生存至关重要。)





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