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1. boards:指由木头或其他材料制成的平面,通常用于建造房屋或其他结构。

2. slabs:指厚而平坦的表面,通常用于建筑、路面等。

3. sheets:指薄而平滑的材料,如纸张、金属片等。

4. plates:指厚而平坦的金属或塑料片,通常用于制作机械零件或其他物品。

5. tiles:指小而平坦的瓷砖或陶瓷片,通常用于装饰墙壁、地板等。




1. 作为名词时,panels可以表示“一组面板”、“一排按钮”、“讨论小组”等含义。:

- The walls are made of wooden panels.


- The control panels are located on the left side of the machine.


- The panel discussed various solutions to the problem.


2. 作为动词时,panels可以表示“用面板覆盖”、“用面板围住”等含义。:

- The walls were paneled with beautiful mahogany.


- The room was paneled in dark wood.



1. The control panels of the spaceship were flashing red lights, indicating an emergency situation.


2. The walls of the conference room were covered with wooden panels, giving it a warm and professional atmosphere.


3. The panel of experts discussed the impact of climate change on agriculture and proposed solutions to mitigate its effects.


4. He used a hammer to panel the sides of the cabinet with thin metal sheets.


5. The panel of judges carefully evaluated each contestant's performance before announcing the winner.



1. boards:指由木头或其他材料制成的平面,通常用于建造房屋或其他结构。

- The carpenter used wooden boards to build the shelves.


- The workers were carrying large boards to construct the scaffolding.


2. slabs:指厚而平坦的表面,通常用于建筑、路面等。

- The contractor poured concrete slabs for the foundation of the building.


- We need to replace some broken slabs on our driveway.


3. sheets:指薄而平滑的材料,如纸张、金属片等。

- I need to buy some white sheets of paper for my printer.


- The roof was covered with thin metal sheets to prevent rainwater from leaking in.


4. plates:指厚而平坦的金属或塑料片,通常用于制作机械零件或其他物品。

- The mechanic replaced the damaged metal plate in the engine.


- The artist used a plastic plate to create a print of her painting.


5. tiles:指小而平坦的瓷砖或陶瓷片,通常用于装饰墙壁、地板等。

- The bathroom floor was covered with blue and white mosaic tiles.


- We need to replace some broken tiles in the kitchen backsplash.





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