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读音为 [aʊtəvsaɪt],其中的 “ou” 发音为 /aʊ/, “t” 发音为 /t/, “s” 发音为 /s/, “i” 发音为 /ɪ/, “gh” 发音为 /t/。

常见的词组包括 out of sight, out of mind(离开视线就忘记),out of sight, out of mind(眼不见心不烦),out of sight, out of reach(看不见就够不着)等等。


读音为 [aʊtəvsaɪt]。


1. 作形容词时,outofsight可以表示某物或者某人不在视线范围内。

- The plane flew out of sight.(飞机飞出了视线。)

- The children ran around the corner and were soon out of sight.(孩子们跑到拐角处很快就消失了。)

2. 作副词时,outofsight可以表示离开视线。

- She waved goodbye until the train was out of sight.(她挥手告别,直到火车消失在视线之外。)

- The thief ran away and was soon out of sight.(小偷跑了,很快就看不见了。)


1. The fireworks were so bright and beautiful that they were out of sight in a matter of seconds.


2. The hikers climbed to the of the mountain and were rewarded with an outofsight view.


3. The magician made the rabbit disappear, leaving the audience in awe as it was completely outofsight.


4. After hours of searching, the lost dog was finally found hiding outofsight behind a bush.


5. The actor's performance was so captivating that it kept the audience's attention outofsight until the very end.



1. invisible:形容词,“看不见的”,“无形的”。与outofsight相似,都表示某物或者某人不在视线范围内,但invisible更强调看不见的性质。

- The thief was invisible in the darkness.(小偷在黑暗中看不见。)

- The g was invisible to the naked eye.(这个鬼对肉眼是看不见的。)

2. hidden:形容词,“隐藏的”,“秘密的”。与outofsight相比,hidden更强调隐藏的性质。

- The treasure was hidden in a secret room.(宝藏藏在一个秘密房间里。)

- She kept her feelings hidden from everyone.(她把自己的感情对所有人都隐藏起来了。)

3. vanished:动词,“消失”,“消逝”。与outofsight相比,vanished表示突然消失或者完全消失。

- The magician's assistant vanished into thin air.(魔术师的助手神秘地消失了。)

- All the evidence of the crime had vanished by the time the police arrived.(到达时,所有犯罪证据都已经消失了。)


outofsight是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“离开视线”,“看不见”,“消失”或者“隐藏”。它可以用作形容词或者副词,表示某物或者某人不在视线范围内。读音为 [aʊtəvsaɪt],常见的词组包括 out of sight, out of mind(离开视线就忘记),out of sight, out of mind(眼不见心不烦),out of sight, out of reach(看不见就够不着)等等。同义词包括invisible、hidden和vanished。使用时需根据语境选择合适的词语,以免造成歧义。


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