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Outlined是一个英语单词,意为“勾勒出、描绘出”、“概述、简要说明”、“轮廓、外形”。它的读音为 /aʊtˈlaɪnd/。





Outlined的音标为 /aʊtˈlaɪnd/,其中“aʊ”长元音/u:/,“tˈl”轻声/t/和长元音/l/,“aɪnd/”短元音/aɪ/和浊辅音/d/。在发音时,注意将重点放在第一个长元音上。


1. Outlined作为动词时,常用于描述画作或图表等。:

- The artist outlined the shape of the tree with a pencil.

- The chart clearly outlines the changes in sales over the past year.

2. Outlined作为形容词时,常用于描述文章或计划等。:

- The outlined plan for the project was well-received by the team.

- The outlined policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 50% in the next decade.


1. The teacher outlined the main points of the lesson before starting the lecture.老师在开始讲课前概述了本课的主要内容。

2. The architect outlined his vision for the new building to the client.建筑师向客户勾勒出了他对新建筑的设想。

3. The outline of a mountain could be seen in the distance.远处可以看到一座山的轮廓。

4. Can you outline your plan for promoting our new product?你能简要说明一下推广我们新产品的计划吗?

5. The detective carefully outlined his theory about the crime to his colleagues.侦探仔细地向同事们概述了他对这起案件的理论。



1. Sketched是指用简单的线条勾勒出大致形状,常用于描述画作或图表等。:

- She sketched a quick outline of her idea on a piece of paper.

- The map clearly sketches the route from the airport to the hotel.

2. Described是指用详细的语言描绘出事物的特征或情况,常用于描述人、地点、等。:

- The witness described the suspect as a tall man with dark hair.

- The author vividly describes the beautiful scenery of the countryside in his novel.

3. Summarized是指将复杂的内容概括为简洁的表述,常用于总结文章或讨论等。:

- The professor summarized the key points of his lecture in a few sentences.

- Could you summarize your findings from the research project for me?

4. Depicted是指用图画、文字或影像等描绘出事物的外观或特征,常用于描述艺术作品或场景等。:

- The painting depicted a beautiful sunset over the ocean.

- The movie effectively depicted the struggles of a young musician trying to make it in the industry.

5. Delineated是指详细地勾勒出事物的轮廓或特征,常用于描述计划、等。:

- The proposal clearly delineates each step of the project.

- The new policy aims to delineate and address potential issues before they arise.




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