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1. 表示与前面提到的情况相反的情况:

- You need to finish your homework, otherwise you won't be able to go out with your friends tonight.

- She is not a very good singer, but she is a great dancer. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been hired by the dance company.

2. 表示提供一个替代方案:

- If you don't like this restaurant, we can go somewhere else. Otherwise, we can just order takeout.

- I forgot my phone at home. Can I use yours? Otherwise, I won't be able to contact anyone.

3. 表示某种程度上的差异或对比:

- He is very shy in public, otherwise he is a very outgoing person.

- The weather was nice yesterday, but today it's raining. Otherwise, we would have gone for a picnic.

4. 用于句末,表示总结:

- I don't like spicy food, otherwise I would have ordered the curry.

- The movie was too long, otherwise it was quite enjoyable.


1. You should always wear a helmet when riding a bike, otherwise you could get seriously hurt.(骑自行车时你应该戴头盔,否则可能会受重伤。)

2. I don't like coffee, but I love tea. Otherwise, I wouldn't have so many different types of tea in my kitchen.(我不喜欢咖啡,但我喜欢茶。否则的话,我的厨房里也不会有那么多种类的茶。)

3. She has been working hard all week, otherwise she wouldn't be able to finish her project on time.(她这周一直很努力工作,否则的话她就无法按时完成项目。)

4. We can either take the train or drive to the city, otherwise we will be late for the concert.(我们可以坐火车或开车去城市,否则的话我们会迟到音乐会。)

5. The weather forecast said it would rain today, but it's sunny now. Otherwise, we would have brought an umbrella with us.(天气预报说今天会下雨,但现在是晴天。否则的话我们就会带着雨伞了。)


1. Alternatively:作为替代方案,表示提供一个不同的选择。

- We can either go to the park or watch a movie. Alternatively, we can stay at home and play board games.

2. Instead:作为替代方案,表示选择另外一种事物或行为。

- I don't want to eat pizza, I'd rather have sushi instead.

- She didn't want to go to the party, so she stayed home instead.

3. Conversely:表示与前面提到的情况相反的情况。

- He is usually very talkative, but conversely, he was very quiet during the meeting.

- The company's profits increased last year. Conversely, this year they have decreased.

4. Contrarily:表示与前面提到的情况相反的情况,带有强调语气。

- She said she would come with us, but contrarily, she decided to stay at home.

- The team was expected to win the championship, but contrarily, they were defeated in the final game.




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