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1. orbiting是什么意思:



2. 读音:


3. 用法:

作为动词,orbiting可以用来描述天体或者人造卫星围绕某个物体旋转的运动状态。,“The moon is orbiting around the Earth.”(月球正在地球周围绕轨道运行。)作为名词,orbiting可以指代这种运动状态,也可以比喻为某个人或事物围绕着某个中心运转的状态。,“The satellite is in a stable orbit around the planet.”(卫星正在行星周围稳定地运行。)“Her life has been in constant orbit around her career.”(她的生活一直围绕着她的事业不断旋转。)

4. 例句:

1. The International Space Station is constantly orbiting around the Earth at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour.


2. The satellite was launched into a geostationary orbit, allowing it to stay in a fixed position above the Earth.


3. The planets in our solar system are all orbiting around the sun.


4. The company's success is largely due to its ability to orbit around the changing needs of its customers.


5. She feels like she's stuck in an orbit, constantly revolving around the same problems.


5. 同义词及用法:

1. rotate:意为“旋转”,可以用来形容物体自身的旋转或者围绕某个中心的旋转。“The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.”(地球每24小时绕自身轴线旋转一次。)“The dancers rotated around each other, creating a beautiful display.”(舞者们相互旋转,创造出美妙的表演。)

2. revolve:意为“旋转”,通常用来描述物体围绕某个中心运动。“The planets revolve around the sun.”(行星围绕着太阳运行。)“Her thoughts revolved around the upcoming exam.”(她的思绪围绕着即将到来的考试转动。)

3. circulate:意为“循环”,可以用来形容物体或者信息在某个内不断地流动。“The air conditioner circulates cool air throughout the room.”(空调在房间内循环送出凉爽的空气。)“The news of the scandal quickly circulated among the employees.”(丑闻的消息迅速在员工之间传播开来。)

6. 编辑总结:



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