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obsessed是一个形容词,意为“着迷的;困扰的;痴迷的”。它可以用来形容一个人对某件事物或某个想法过度关注或沉迷,无法自拔。它还可以指一个人被某种情绪或念头所困扰,无法摆脱。其读音为 /əbˈsɛst/。


常见的词组有be obsessed with(对...着迷)、become obsessed(变得痴迷)、obsessed by(被...所困扰)等。


obsessed的音标为 /əbˈsɛst/,其中重读音节为第二个音节。


obsessed作为形容词时,通常修饰名词或代词。它可以用来形容一个人对某件事物或某个想法过度关注或沉迷,也可以指一个人被某种情绪或念头所困扰。在句子中通常位于系动词后面,如be obsessed with、become obsessed等。


1. She is obsessed with her appearance and spends hours in front of the mirror every day.(她对自己的外表非常着迷,每天都会花几个小时站在镜子前。)

2. He became obsessed with finding the perfect solution to the problem, neglecting his other responsibilities.(他变得痴迷于寻找解决问题的完美方案,忽视了其他的责任。)

3. The singer's fans are completely obsessed with her and will do anything to meet her.(这位歌手的粉丝们对她彻底痴迷,愿意为了见她而做任何事情。)

4. She was obsessed by the thought that she had made a mistake and couldn't focus on anything else.(她被自己可能犯错的念头所困扰,无法专注于其他事情。)

5. His obsession with cleanliness borders on neuroticism, as he can't stand even a speck of dust in his house.(他对清洁的痴迷几乎达到了神经质的程度,因为他连一点灰尘都无法忍受在家中。)


1. preoccupied:形容一个人思想或注意力被某件事物占据,无法集中于其他事情。

例句:She seemed preoccupied with her own thoughts and didn't hear what I said.

2. fixated:形容一个人过度关注或痴迷于某件事物。

例句:He was fixated on becoming a successful businessman and worked tirelessly towards that goal.

3. consumed:形容一个人被某种情绪或念头所吞噬,无法摆脱。

例句:She was consumed by guilt and couldn't forgive herself for what she had done.

4. fanatical:形容一个人对某件事物或某种信仰盲目狂热,常带有贬义。

例句:The cult leader's fanatical followers were willing to do anything for him.

5. possessed:形容一个人被某种情绪或念头所,无法自拔。

例句:He was possessed by a desire for revenge and would s at nothing to get it.


obsessed是一个常用的形容词,意为“着迷的;困扰的;痴迷的”。它可以用来形容一个人对某件事物或某个想法过度关注或沉迷,也可以指一个人被某种情绪或念头所困扰。其读音为 /əbˈsɛst/。除了常见的词组be obsessed with之外,还有become obsessed、obsessed by等。其同义词有preoccupied、fixated、consumed等。使用时需注意与其他近义词的区别,避免使用过于贬义的词语。


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