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1. figure:指代具体的数字,也可以表示某个人或事物在某一方面的特定数值。

2. digit:指代单个数字,特别是指手指和脚趾上的数字。

3. numeral:指示数目的符号或字母。


[number] [ˈnʌm.bər]


1. number作为名词时,可以用来表示具体的数字或数量。:

- The shop sells a large number of books.(这家书店卖出了大量的书。)

- I have a number of friends who live in this city.(我在这个城市有很多朋友。)

2. number也可以用来表示排名、序列等概念。:

- He finished the race in second place, but his number was 15.(他以第二名完成了比赛,但他的号码是15。)

- This is the third time I've visited this museum, but it never loses its charm.(这是我第三次参观这个博物馆,但它从未失去魅力。)

3. number作为动词时,可以表示“编号”或者“计数”。:

- Each book in the library is numbered for easy organization.(图书馆中的每本书都有编号,便于管理。)

- I need to number the pages of this report before submitting it.(我需要给这份报告的每一页编上号码后再提交。)


1. The number of students in the classroom has increased from 30 to 40 this year.


2. She won first prize in the singing competition, beating a large number of talented contestants.


3. Can you give me your phone number so I can call you later?


4. The house has been on the market for a while, but it hasn't received a single offer yet.


5. The teacher asked us to number the paragraphs in our essay before handing it in.



1. figure:指代具体的数字,也可以表示某个人或事物在某一方面的特定数值。:

- The figure on the scale showed that she had lost 5 pounds.(体重秤上的数字显示她已经减掉了5磅。)

- The company's profits have increased by a significant figure this year.(公司今年的利润增加了一个可观的数目。)

2. digit:指代单个数字,特别是指手指和脚趾上的数字。:

- She has beautiful long fingers with slender digits.(她有一双漂亮修长的手指。)

- Can you remember the digits of your credit card?(你能记住你信用卡上的数字吗?)

3. numeral:指示数目的符号或字母。:

- Roman numerals are still used in some formal documents and clocks.(罗马数字仍然被用于一些正式文件和时钟中。)

- Can you read and write Roman numerals?(你会读写罗马数字吗?)


number是一个常见的英语单词,它可以作为名词、动词使用,表示“数字”、“数目”、“编号”等概念。它也可以用来表示排名、序列等概念。除了作为独立单词使用外,它还可以和其他单词组成多种短语和词组,如“a large number of”、“in second place”、“phone number”等。在使用时,需要根据语境来确定其具体意思。此外,它还有一些近义词,如figure、digit和numeral,它们之间有着细微的区别,在使用时需要注意。希望本词典释义内容能帮助你更加准确地理解和使用number这个单词。


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