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noun. 新生,新生代,新生事物

Neo (short for "new") is a prefix used to describe something that is new or modern, especially in contrast to something that is traditional or old.

1. 新生代(neo)是指一群有着共同特点的年轻人。

The Neo (new generation) refers to a group of young people who share common characteristics.

2. 他们通常对时尚、科技和文化有着强烈的追求,被称为"时尚达人"或"潮流先锋"。

They are often highly interested in fashion, technology, and culture, and are known as "fashionistas" or "trendsetters".

3. 作为一个前缀,neo也可以用来描述某种新兴的思想、理论或运动。

As a prefix, neo can also be used to describe a new emerging idea, theory, or movement.

4. 这个词源于希腊语中的neos,意为新的、年轻的。

The word originates from the Greek neos, meaning new or young.

5. 同义词:新颖的、现代的、时髦的

Synonyms: novel, modern, trendy




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