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1. negatives是什么意思:


2. 读音:


negatives的读音为 [ˈneɡətɪvz]。

3. 用法:

作为名词时,negatives通常用来表示某件事物或情况的不利或消极方面。比如,“The negatives of living in a big city include pollution and high cost of living.”(生活在大城市的缺点包括污染和高昂的生活费用。)此外,它也可以指代照片底片中的负像。

作为形容词时,negatives通常用来描述某人或某事物具有消极、不利的特征。比如,“Her negative attitude has been affecting the team’s performance.”(她消极的态度一直影响着团队的表现。)此外,在数学中,它还可以表示小于零或与另一个数相反方向的数字。

4. 例句(中英对照):

1) The report highlights both the positives and negatives of the new policy.(这份报告突出了新的优点和缺点。)

2) I always try to focus on the positives and not dwell on the negatives.(我总是努力关注积极的方面,而不是沉湎于消极的一面。)

3) The film was developed, but unfortunately there were no negatives in the roll.(胶卷已经冲洗出来了,但不幸的是里面没有底片。)

4) His negative comments about the project caused a lot of tension in the team.(他对这个项目的消极评价导致团队内部紧张不安。)

5) The temperature dropped to negative five degrees last night.(昨晚气温降到了零下五度。)

5. 同义词及用法:

1) Disadvantages:作为名词,意为“缺点”、“不利条件”。比如,“One of the disadvantages of working from home is lack of social interaction.”(在家工作的一个缺点就是缺乏社交互动。)

2) Drawbacks:作为名词,意为“缺点”、“不足之处”。比如,“The drawbacks of using this software include frequent crashes and slow performance.”(使用这款软件的缺点包括频繁崩溃和运行速度慢。)

3) Negativities:作为名词,意为“消极因素”、“负面影响”。比如,“The negativities of social media have been a hot ic for discussion recently.”(社交媒体的负面影响最近一直是热门话题。)

4) Downsides:作为名词,意为“不利因素”、“缺点”。比如,“One of the downsides of living in a small town is limited job opportunities.”(生活在小镇的一个缺点就是工作机会有限。)

5) Adverse:作为形容词,意为“不利的”、“有害的”。比如,“The adverse effects of pollution on our health cannot be ignored.”(污染对我们健康的不利影响是不能忽视的。)

6. 编辑总结:



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