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[ mis ]

noun. (1)mis is a prefix that means "wrong" or "bad".(2)It is usually added to words to change their meaning to something negative, incorrect, or badly.

1. 他们的婚姻是一场mis。Their marriage was a disaster.


2. 这本书是一本mis。This book is full of mistakes.

3. 她的行为是不道德的,她总是做一些mis事情。Her behavior is unethical, she always does something wrong.

4. 这个是一个mis,它只会给人们带来麻烦。This policy is a mistake, it will only bring trouble to people.

5. 他总是给出错误的建议,他真的是一个mis。He always gives wrong advice, he's really a mis.

Synonyms: wrong, incorrect, mistaken, erroneous

Editor's summary: Mis is a prefix used to indicate something negative or incorrect. It can be added to words to change their meaning and make them have a negative connotation. It can also be used as a noun to describe something that has gone wrong or has been done incorrectly. Synonyms for mis include wrong, incorrect, mistaken, and erroneous.


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